Tuesday, 17 April 2007


To everything there is a season
And a time to every purpose under Heaven

A time to touch, And a time to be touched
A time for Lust and a time for Love
A time to sleep, And a time waking, to reach for the one loved,
A time to smile, And a time, smiling, to be loved.
A time to speak, And a time, in silence, to let the eyes speak.

A time to laugh, A time for joy
A time for thought And a time for play.
A time for words. And a time when, distanced, words must suffice,
A time to embrace, for bodies to be close
A time for the shining passion of the physical,
And a time for the lust of the body to express the heart’s cry

A time to be apart
A time to be together

And that time, for some perhaps, is to come

Friday, 13 April 2007

Sunset in Helsinki Harbour

The “Chug-Chug” of the ferry engines,
Soothing, Settling,
Sat cross-legged on the bed. Enclosed,
Warm & comfortable,
Sipping wine.
Looking out.

And through the port,
Another world. Different.
The Land of Faery

Broken ice and sunset.
Shattered water fills the brain,
Fractured light splinters the eye.
A thousand colours
Rising and falling in the wake.
A million shards,
Undulating as one.

Tiny islands.
Tiny houses.
Dolls houses. Ridiculous
Made for munchkins and hobbits
Little wooden wendy huts,
In pink, lemon, bird blue and apple green.

The sun fades.
Light drains away. Colour washes away.
Shadow rises.
A darkling light. The landscape, a changling.
Blueness steals the ice,
Now changed to sapphire, opal and jet……

And as night falls,
We draw in, to Helsinki Harbour

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Pendle Eclipse

The Dark lays still o’er Pendle Hill,
Full moon shining, frost lays starkly
Vapour rises, Magics’ guises,
The soul of the mountain whispers darkly.

Shimmer moon shine down,
Night’s the beauty, yours the glory,
Glimmer moon shine down,
Retell once more the ancient story.

The silence speaks of demon sleep
And long dead warlock, mage or druid
Waking tonight. Sorcerous unlight,
And ancient glamours now unguarded

Shimmer moon. Shine down
The circle marred, Shadow encroaching
Glimmer moon. Shine down,
Ware the spell, darkness approaching

Luna’s disc gleams through the mist,
Her maiden’s face the sky caresses
Her age old eyes have seen the signs
Of Albion, Wicca and Lyonesse

Blaze stars and shine
Umbric darkness in the gaining
Brazen stars and I
Watch lunatic shadow in the making

The Dark lays still on Pendle Hill
It’s perfection bids my silence
The darkness reigns, as foreordained
Wordless sentience gathers presence

Cold, Dark. And I,
Benumbed await occult conclusion
Old stars and I, tranced
Await moonstruck possession

Returned to day, the Spirit lays,
The presence drops once more to slumber,
The hills and plains, Pendle’s demesne,
In sunshine. Night now ill-remembered

Shine sun, shine down,
O’er hill and valley, field and deeping
Shine sun shine down,
On Colossus, only sleeping

The Grin

What use is a grin?
For what purpose is it intended?

It is not a poetic word

So let us seek a poetic word

Many would prefer “smile”
And that is not the same

And that is all there is to prefer

Unless one cares for “smirk”
An altogether unpleasant word
For my taste

It is odd

Should one wish to weep, then
One may also
Sigh or sob

And the poet may use any one of these

But should one wish to grin
Then that is the end of it
No other word there is
For this most human of aspects

And no poet ever used it

Why should the human condition require
That unhappiness should have
An entire lexicon at its disposal?

And yet
Broad joy
And happiness
And love of life…….
And its expression

Should have only one word?